In a city where magic and danger lurk around every corner, three unlikely heroes find themselves caught in a web of intrigue and dark forces beyond their understanding. Richmond McAllistair, a privileged young magician seeking validation; Remy Numar, a cunning goblin from the sewers fighting for survival; and Ralph Higgins, a skilled tradesman with a touch of magic, must navigate the treacherous landscape of power, ambition, and hidden plots that threaten their very existence.

As they struggle to find their place in a world that constantly demands more from them, they must contend with adversaries such as John Walsh, a relentless law enforcement officer obsessed with eradicating goblin "crime"; Bernie Holtz, a ruthless contractor with questionable ethics and sinister connections; and the shadowy machinations of Operation Nocturne and UMBRA, which seek to consolidate power and control in the hands of the enigmatic Victor DeLancey.

But perhaps the most dangerous threat of all lies in the Mab Conspiracy, an ancient plot orchestrated by the fairy queen herself to subjugate the human population under her rule. As the threads of these conspiracies intertwine and the stakes grow ever higher, Richmond, Remy, and Ralph must learn to trust one another.

1,000,000 thanks to Jeremy, Peter, and Kipple from whose original characters the story unfolded!
-- Satchel

Invisible Handiwork is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, events, and incidents are the products of the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Certain historical figures and events may have been referenced for context and setting; however, any interactions, dialogues, or characterizations of these figures are entirely fictional. The opinions expressed by the characters within this story should not be confused with the authors' own views.