Bernie Holtz

Bernie "The Deceiver" Holtz: A Ruthless Contractor who is known for his underhanded tactics and questionable ethics. He is a skilled Manipulator of Public Perception and uses his connections within the city to further his own interests, but his Shoddy Workmanship often comes back to haunt him.

Bernie Holtz is a ruthless and cunning maintenance contractor who owns and operates a small business in the city. Known for his arrogance, rudeness, and questionable ethics, Bernie has made a name for himself in the industry by consistently underbidding his competitors – especially Ralph Higgins.

He used to be a humble general contractor, but his new connections with DeLancey Group have enabled him to re-brand as Citywide Contractors.


Business Practices

Bernie's business practices often involve cutting corners, producing substandard work, and using cheap materials to maximize his profit margins. He has been known to exploit his employees, paying them low wages and providing little to no benefits.

In addition to these unethical practices, Bernie is notorious for slandering his competitors both online and in person. He actively spreads false information about other contractors' work quality and reliability, in an attempt to steer potential clients away from them and towards his own business.


Suspected of having connections with organized crime syndicates, Bernie may be involved with various gangsters and thugs who hold political clout within the city. These connections are believed to grant him access to city maintenance contracts through a rigged system, allowing him to further dominate the market.

Although no concrete evidence has been found linking Bernie directly to these criminal organizations, many people within the industry suspect that such connections exist – given the nature of his business dealings and overall demeanor.

Conflict with Ralph Higgins

Bernie Holtz harbors a particular grudge against fellow tradesman Ralph Higgins. He frequently targets Ralph's clients by underbidding on jobs or spreading false information about Ralph's work quality. This ongoing feud has caused significant strife between the two contractors.

Public Perception

While some may be aware of Bernie's questionable ethics and shady connections, there are others who remain ignorant or simply don't care. They continue to hire Bernie's services, lured by his low prices and quick turnaround times. However, those who have been burned by Bernie's shoddy work and dishonest practices are quick to spread the word about their experiences, leading to a growing number of dissatisfied customers.

In summary, Bernie Holtz is a maintenance contractor who thrives on underhanded tactics, deceitfulness, and possible connections with organized crime. His ongoing rivalry with Ralph Higgins showcases the contrast between their respective characters – with Ralph focused on hard work, determination, and integrity in the face of adversity.