Subject: New Task for Citywide Contractors Group - UMBRA

Mr. Bernie Holtz,

I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits. In accordance with our ongoing agreement as part of UMBRA, I am writing to inform you of a new task we would like for your company, Citywide Contractors Group, to undertake. We believe that this task will significantly contribute to furthering our mutual interests in the maintenance contracting industry.

Task Details:

We have identified a potential target within the industry - Anderson's Home Services, a rapidly growing business that has been encroaching on our territory and posing an increasing threat to our operations. Your task is as follows:

  1. Secure a bid on an upcoming city maintenance contract that Anderson's Home Services is also interested in by undercutting their offer while maintaining plausible deniability.
  2. Once secured, use substandard materials and methods when executing the project without compromising too much on quality.
  3. If possible, plant evidence implicating Anderson's Home Services in any malpractices during this project.

DeLancey Group Resources:

To assist your company in carrying out this task efficiently and effortlessly, we will be providing the following resources from the DeLancey Group:

  1. Detailed information about Anderson's Home Services operations including their bids and preferred suppliers.
  2. Access to City Contracts Board contacts who can ensure our bid receives favorable consideration through subtle means.
  3. A team of operatives specialized in surveillance should you require assistance gathering or planting evidence against Anderson's Home Services.

Upon successful completion of this operation, both parties stand to benefit greatly - with Citywide Contractors Group securing more lucrative contracts while undermining competition and expanding its influence over city maintenance projects under Victor DeLancey’s supervision.

Please confirm receipt of these instructions at your earliest convenience so that we may proceed accordingly with necessary preparations.

As always, discretion is paramount when performing these tasks – both to protect the interests of the DeLancey Group and your own company, Citywide Contractors.

I trust in your ability to execute this task effectively and look forward to our continued partnership in achieving greater heights.

Stay vigilant,

Charles Monroe