Enchanted Forest
A mysterious, magical forest on the outskirts of the city where the veil between the human world and the fairy realm is thin. The forest is filled with strange creatures and magical phenomena, making it a dangerous place for the unprepared. The Fairy Servants might use this location to stage an ambush or attempt to lure the PCs deeper into the fairy realm.
- Twisting Paths :cortex_d8:: The forest is a maze of winding trails and deceptive pathways, making it easy for the Fairy Servants to lead the PCs astray or trap them in an endless loop.
- Magical Flora :cortex_d6:: The trees and plants within the Enchanted Forest possess magical properties, which the Fairy Servants can use to their advantage in combat or to create obstacles for the PCs.
- Unstable Magic :cortex_d4:: The magical energies within the forest are unpredictable and volatile, causing spells and other magical effects to behave erratically, posing a risk to both the PCs and their adversaries.