1. Faela "The Whisperer" Thistledown: A Sly and Cunning Sprite :cortex_d8: who specializes in spreading rumors and misinformation to confuse and mislead Lynda and her allies. Faela is adept at Invisibility and Glamour :cortex_d6:, allowing her to operate undetected, but she has a weakness for Shiny Trinkets :cortex_d4: which can be used to distract or trap her.
  2. Baelor "The Trickster" Duskwing: A Mischievous Puck :cortex_d8: who delights in playing pranks and causing chaos wherever he goes. Baelor is skilled in Shape-shifting and Illusions :cortex_d6:, making it difficult for Lynda and Ralph to anticipate his next move. However, he is easily Baited by Challenges :cortex_d4: and can be lured into traps or reckless actions.
  3. Caelum "The Enforcer" Ironthorn: A Fierce and Loyal Faun :cortex_d8: who serves as Queen Mab's personal bodyguard and enforcer. Caelum possesses incredible Strength and Agility :cortex_d6:, making him a formidable opponent in combat. His loyalty to Queen Mab is unwavering, but he is Bound by the Rules of the Fairy Realm :cortex_d4: and can be tricked or outmaneuvered using clever tactics or loopholes.
  4. Elara "The Shadow" Nightbreeze: A Stealthy and Deadly Pixie Assassin :cortex_d8: who carries out Queen Mab's more nefarious tasks with ruthless efficiency. Elara is an expert in Silent Takedowns and Poison :cortex_d6:, making her a dangerous and elusive enemy. However, her overconfidence in her abilities can sometimes lead her to Underestimate Her Opponents :cortex_d4:, providing an opportunity for Lynda and Ralph to gain the upper hand.