Gibby Numar

Gibby Numar is a resilient and clever goblin who, alongside her brother Remy Numar, navigates the harsh urban environment in which they live. Orphaned at a young age, Gibby and Remy have relied on each other for support and protection as they face the many challenges of life in the city's shadows.


Early Life

Growing up in the sewers with her brother Remy, Gibby learned from an early age how to survive in a hostile environment. She quickly became skilled at scavenging for food and supplies while avoiding detection from law enforcement officers like John Walsh who sought to eradicate goblins from the city.


Gibby is a small, wiry goblin with greenish-yellow skin, pointy ears, and sharp teeth. Like her brother, she wears a hat and sunglasses when out on the streets of the city to help blend in with humans. Most people who encounter her simply see her as an unattractive little woman.


While not as proficient in illusion magic as her brother Remy, Gibby has learned some basic spells that help her survive in their dangerous world. She can cast minor spells such as Mending and Prestidigitation to assist in scavenging or repairing items they find.

Gibby is also adept at sneaking around undetected and picking locks, which has proven invaluable when breaking into abandoned buildings or escaping from tight situations.


Remy Numar

Remy is not only Gibby's older brother but also her closest friend and protector. They rely on each other for support and companionship as they navigate their difficult lives.

John Walsh

Officer John Walsh is a constant threat to Gibby and her brother Remy, as he is determined to rid the city of its goblin infestation. Gibby knows that she must always be on her guard when it comes to evading Walsh's pursuit.

Ralph Higgins

Gibby is aware of her brother's apprenticeship with Ralph Higgins and appreciates the skills he has gained from this relationship.

Frank Johnson

Gibby is grateful for the guidance that Frank Johnson provided to her brother, as it has helped them both survive in their unforgiving world.


Despite the many challenges they face as goblins living among humans, Gibby Numar and her brother Remy continue to persevere. They are survivors, determined to carve out a life for themselves in the shadows of the city while avoiding those who would see them captured or eradicated.