Lynda Farrow

Lynda Farrow is a hedge witch who runs the Chalk Circle safe house out of the back of a convenience store. She is an experienced and knowledgeable magician with a keen eye for scouting potential talent in the world of magic.



She learned the basics and eventually decided to strike out on her own, seeking to create a place where like-minded individuals could come together and share their knowledge.

Chalk Circle

Lynda established Chalk Circle as a safe space for hedge witches to learn, practice, and grow in their magical abilities. Despite being hidden behind a mundane convenience store, Chalk Circle has become a hub for those in the know looking to expand their magical prowess.

As the leader of Chalk Circle, Lynda takes her role seriously and is always on the lookout for potential new members. This is how she discovered Ralph Higgins, recognizing his latent magical abilities and introducing him to this hidden world.


Ralph Higgins

Though initially grateful for Lynda's guidance, Ralph has grown increasingly disinterested in fully immersing himself in the world of hedge magic. He prefers to focus on using his newfound abilities to enhance his practical tradesman skills rather than diving deeper into magical knowledge.

While Lynda sees great potential in Ralph, she struggles with his lack of commitment and wishes he would take his magical talents more seriously. Despite this tension between them, there remains a mutual respect due to their shared connection with magic.

Other Hedge Witches

Lynda maintains relationships with other hedge witches within her network but keeps her distance from rival safe houses. While she understands that competition within the hedge witch community can be fierce, she prefers collaboration over conflict when it comes to sharing knowledge.


Lynda's primary goal is to continue fostering growth within Chalk Circle by recruiting new members, sharing magical knowledge, and helping her fellow hedge witches develop their abilities. Though she is frustrated by Ralph's disinterest in fully committing to this lifestyle, she remains hopeful that he may one day embrace his magical aptitude and become a valuable member of the hedge witch community.