Mab Conspiracy

The Setup

Lynda Farrow, during one of her late-night explorations into the world of magic, stumbled upon an ancient, tattered scroll hidden within the depths of a dusty old bookshop. The scroll, written in a forgotten language, revealed the existence of a fairy conspiracy led by Queen Mab to take over the city.

As Lynda deciphered the scroll, she discovered that the Fairy Servants have been weaving a complex web of enchantments around Victor DeLancey since his birth. They've ensured his success by casting spells of luck and charm on him, making those who would oppose him falter and fail. The fairies have even gone so far as to manipulate the very fabric of reality around DeLancey, orchestrating events in his favor.

The scroll also revealed that Queen Mab herself has planted a subtle weakness within DeLancey's mind – a magical gaes that allows her to control him whenever she desires. This gaes is revealed by a small, iridescent mark on the back of his neck, visible only to those with magical sight.

Lynda has been carefully gathering more evidence to support the claims made in the scroll. She's observed the strange behavior of birds around DeLancey Tower, seemingly acting as spies for the fairy queen. She's also noticed an unusual number of insects, particularly dragonflies and moths, drawn to DeLancey's presence – a known sign of fairy activity.

As Lynda pieces together the full extent of Queen Mab's plot, she realizes that the entire city is at risk. If left unchecked, the fairy conspiracy could lead to the complete subjugation of the human population under Mab's rule. With this knowledge, Lynda is determined to expose and thwart the fairy queen's nefarious plans before it's too late.

As the leader of Chalk Circle safe house, Lynda has responsibilities towards her fellow hedge witches and must ensure their safety and well-being, leaving her with limited time and resources to focus on the fairy conspiracy. Additionally, Lynda suspects that Queen Mab is already aware of her discovery and is actively monitoring her actions. As a result, she believes that involving Ralph would be a safer option, as he might be able to operate more discreetly without attracting the attention of the fairies.

The Quest

Lynda, knowing that Ralph possesses both practical skills and magical abilities, might ask for his help in the following ways:

  1. Gathering more evidence: Lynda might ask Ralph to use his magical sight to observe Victor DeLancey and identify any other signs of fairy influence. This could involve discreetly following DeLancey and documenting any unusual occurrences or interactions with the supernatural beings.
  2. Crafting a counter-spell: Lynda may need Ralph's assistance in creating a powerful counter-spell to break the gaes on Victor DeLancey, which would require Ralph to delve deeper into magical knowledge and collaborate with Lynda in researching ancient spells and rituals.
  3. Infiltrating the fairy realm: To better understand the extent of Queen Mab's plot, Ralph might be asked to enter the fairy realm itself, using his practical skills and magic to navigate the treacherous landscape, gather crucial information, and possibly confront the fairy queen.
  4. Building alliances: Knowing that they cannot face Queen Mab and her forces alone, Lynda might task Ralph with forging alliances with other magical beings or practitioners who share their goal of stopping the fairy conspiracy.


  1. The Enchanted Forest: A mysterious, magical forest on the outskirts of the city where the veil between the human world and the fairy realm is thin.
  2. The Abandoned Theater: A once-grand theater that has fallen into disrepair, now serving as a secret meeting place for Queen Mab and her Fairy Servants.
  3. The Underground Market: A hidden marketplace where magical items, creatures, and services are bought and sold.