Operation Nocturne

Operation Nocturne is an ongoing machination orchestrated by Victor DeLancey to further his interests by utilizing the relentless determination of John Walsh. Recognizing the potential in Walsh's pursuit of "Homo Maleficus" goblin criminals like Remy Numar and Gibby Numar, DeLancey sets out to use this obsession to his advantage.


DeLancey is looking to undermine the current Mayor of the city, Thomas Caldwell. Mayor Caldwell has been a popular and well-respected figure in the city due to his strong commitment towards community development and fostering harmony among the diverse inhabitants of the city. However, his administration has been struggling to address the rising tensions between law enforcement and communities.

Victor DeLancey plans to use the downfall of Mayor Caldwell's administration as an opportunity to launch his own bid for mayorship. With public trust in Caldwell's ability to maintain order and safety shaken, DeLancey will position himself as a strong, decisive leader who can take control of the situation and restore stability to the city. To do so, he intends to advocate for tougher measures against so-called "degenerate" criminals, presenting himself as a champion of public safety and capitalizing on the fear that Operation Nocturne has instilled in citizens. With this platform, DeLancey hopes to win over voters and secure his place as the new Mayor of the city, granting him significant power and control over its future direction.


Victor DeLancey employs several tactics to ensure the success of Operation Nocturne:

Providing information:

DeLancey uses his extensive network of connections to feed John Walsh tips and leads on Remy and Gibby Numar's whereabouts, ensuring that their activities remain in the public eye.

Financial support

DeLancey provides financial backing for specialized equipment and resources that aid Walsh in his pursuit of "degenerate" criminals, further escalating tensions between law enforcement and the communities.

Media manipulation

Using his influence over local media outlets, DeLancey ensures that stories about goblin-related crimes receive widespread coverage, stoking fear among the populace.

Degenerate Crime Wave Sweeps City: Is Your Family Safe?

In a shocking turn of events, a recent surge in crimes perpetrated by the so-called "Homo Maleficus" has left citizens fearing for their safety. Reports of thefts, vandalism, and even violent attacks have skyrocketed in recent weeks, with law enforcement struggling to contain this new crime wave. As the city's families question whether they are truly safe in their own homes, many are calling on Mayor Caldwell's administration to take decisive action against these criminals.

Homo Maleficus Menace: Mayor Caldwell Struggles to Contain Chaos

The city is gripped by chaos as incidents involving "Homo Maleficus" individuals continue to rise dramatically. Despite Mayor Caldwell's best efforts to maintain order and safety, his administration seems unable to effectively address this growing menace. As public trust dwindles and fear mounts, some are beginning to question whether Caldwell is truly the leader this city needs during such tumultuous times.

Exclusive Interview: John Walsh Vows to Take Down Goblins at Any Cost

In an exclusive interview with our news team, dedicated law enforcement officer John Walsh vows he will stop at nothing to bring the notorious Frank Johnson - a key figure in the recent "Homo Maleficus" crime wave - to justice. With unwavering determination and specialized equipment financed by an anonymous benefactor, Walsh promises that he will not rest until these dangerous criminals are apprehended.

Victor DeLancey Promises Tougher Measures Against Subversive Entities

Businessman Victor DeLancey has stepped forward as a vocal critic of Mayor Caldwell's handling of the escalating "Homo Maleficus" crisis. Citing his own experience managing complex situations and his proven leadership abilities, DeLancey proposes a series of tougher measures designed to combat goblin-related crime and restore order within our city. As the situation continues to worsen, many residents are beginning to see DeLancey's tough-on-crime approach as the solution our city desperately needs.

Fear Grips City as Incidents Rise Dramatically

A palpable sense of fear has enveloped our city in recent weeks, as incidents involving the dangerous "Homo Maleficus" population continue to rise at an alarming rate. With each new report of goblin-related crime, citizens grow increasingly concerned for their safety and well-being. Amidst this climate of fear, calls for decisive action and strong leadership grow.

Discrediting opposition

To undermine any potential allies or advocates for goblin rights DeLancey initiates smear campaigns or manipulates events to discredit them.

Children's Nursery Rhymes

Several kids are playing at the streets and are chanting rhymes at each other, one catches your attention:

Nighttime comes and goblins run; the sneaky man wants number one. / Wash up fast, the well won't last; The fancy plan is big and vast. / Scary stories fill the town, but who's the one wearing the crown?"