Ralph Higgins

Ralph Higgins is a skilled tradesman and a practitioner of magic, having been introduced to the world of hedge witches by Lynda Farrow. He has worked hard throughout his life, mastering various trades and using his newfound magical abilities to improve his work. Despite facing challenges both in his personal life and professional career, Ralph remains focused on achieving success through hard work, determination, and a touch of magic.


Early Life

Born into a poor family with big aspirations but little success, Ralph learned early on the value of hard work and self-reliance. After finishing high school, he chose to pursue a trade instead of following in his parents' footsteps. Over the years, Ralph gained experience in various fields such as carpentry, plumbing, electrical work, HVAC technician work, auto mechanic services, masonry, welding, painting and decorating, roofing and siding installation, and landscape design and maintenance.

Introduction to Magic

Ralph's life took an unexpected turn when Lynda Farrow noticed his latent magical abilities and introduced him to the world of hedge witches at Chalk Circle safe house. Intrigued by the potential benefits that magic could bring to his handyman work, Ralph dedicated time to learn and master a few spells before mostly leaving Chalk Circle behind.

Magical Abilities

While not fully immersed in the world of hedge magic like some other practitioners at Chalk Circle safe house, Ralph uses his magical abilities to enhance his trade skills. This combination of practical expertise and magical prowess allows him to tackle difficult jobs with ease while often outperforming competitors like Bernie Holtz.

Notable Adventures

One memorable adventure saw Ralph attempting to navigate through a series of malfunctioning magical portals that took him on an unexpected odyssey reminiscent of Ulysses' journey home after the Trojan War. Despite these occasional setbacks caused by unpredictable circumstances or magical mishaps, Ralph remains committed to persevering through adversity.


Bernie Holtz

Ralph has a strong dislike for Bernie Holtz, a ruthless and cunning maintenance contractor who constantly undercuts Ralph's business and spreads false information about his work.

Lynda Farrow

Ralph is grateful to Lynda Farrow for introducing him to the world of magic, but wishes she would accept his decision to focus on using magic as a means to enhance his trade skills rather than fully immersing himself in the hedge witch community.

Remy Numar

Ralph feels sympathy for Remy Numar, a goblin he has taken under his wing as an apprentice. He feels responsible for taking care of him and helping him learn valuable trade skills.