Victor DeLancey

Victor DeLancey is a cunning and ruthless city official with strong ties to the corporate world. As chairman of the DeLancey Group, he uses his influence and wealth to manipulate events within the city, often at the expense of those who stand in his way or threaten his interests.



Born into a prominent family with deep political connections and vast wealth, Victor DeLancey was groomed from an early age to take on the mantle of power. He quickly learned that politics and business were intertwined, with money being the key to controlling both. As he rose through the ranks of city government and established himself as a formidable business magnate, DeLancey became known for his ruthless tactics and willingness to do whatever it took to secure his position at the top.


DeLancey's influence stretches far and wide throughout the city. He has connections in every sphere of power – from law enforcement like John Walsh to shady contractors like Bernie Holtz. By pulling strings behind the scenes, DeLancey can make life difficult for anyone who crosses him or threatens his interests.


Victor DeLancey is a tall, imposing figure with slicked-back gray hair and cold, calculating eyes. He is always impeccably dressed in expensive suits that exude power and wealth. His presence commands attention and respect, which he uses to his advantage when manipulating others.


Although DeLancey does not possess any supernatural abilities, his wealth, influence, and cunning intellect make him a formidable adversary. He is skilled in manipulation, negotiation, and strategy – often using these skills to bend others to his will or orchestrate events to suit his needs.


John Walsh

Victor DeLancey sees potential in Officer John Walsh's relentless pursuit of criminals like Frank Johnson. He subtly supports Walsh's efforts by providing resources or information that may aid him in capturing the "Homo Maleficus".

Bernie Holtz

DeLancey recognizes Bernie Holtz's ruthless business tactics as an asset and uses him as a pawn in his larger schemes. This sometimes involves providing financial backing or support for Bernie's underhanded dealings.


These high-ranking members of the DeLancey Group are responsible for coordinating with their respective operatives and civilian assets, ensuring they carry out their tasks effectively and report back any relevant information.

  1. Charles "The Handler" Monroe
  2. Lisa "The Strategist" Reynolds
  3. William "The Enforcer" Baxter
  4. Sadie "The Diplomat" Montague